“Most of us at the age of FOUR could not even spell ‘portrait’,
and he already painted one.”
Joan Lewis
EWTN NEWS, Vatican Bureau Chief
"An impressive array of subjects and deft paint handling.”
Dr. James H. Billington
13th Librarian of Congress
"We will will take a great pride in displaying your work [Portrait of George Washington] for generations to come."
James C. Rees
Executive Director, George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate and Museum,
Mount Vernon, VA
"Dear Igor, Laura and I send our best wishes. May God bless you."
George W. Bush
43rd President of the United States of America
"I know the President well and this beautiful painting captures his conviction and sincerity."
Karen Hughes
Personal Advisor to President George W. Bush
“Superb portraits. An artist whose work will be studied and admired for years to come.”
Steve Forbes
“Everyone who has seen my portrait has been very impressed, and my response has always been: “Igor is an artistic genius! And a really good person to boot.” Thanks for this wonderful work!”
Samuel A. Alito, Jr
Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
”I am especially indebted to Igor Babailov, a truly gifted artist, who has done
a remarkable job on my portrait.”
Brian Mulroney
18th Prime Minister of Canada
”When I see this portrait, I see me — not someone else’s conception of me. What a remarkable gift to have had Igor capture me as I see myself.”
Clarence Thomas
Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
”This work is inspired ... It touches, so touches my heart!”
Pope Francis
"Mr. Babailov has an uncanny ability to get inside the souls of the subjects of his paintings, at the same time as he somehow finds a way to capture feature of their eyes or smile or tilt of head, quite startles the onlooker, it appears so real."
Michael Novak
The Templeton Prize 1994
"This portrait [ Pope Benedict XVI ] is much more than an image, it is a painting of a presence. It catches the Pope’s shyness, physical presence and strength... one of the
best portraits of the Pope I've ever seen!"
Archbishop Pietro Sambi
Apostolic Nuncio to the United States
"Igor Babailov's talent and ability to capture the likeness of his subjects so precisely,
is truly inspirational to us all."
Isadore Sharp
Founder and CEO, Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts
"We chose you to paint the portrait, because there is no 'formula' in your works, as they each capture individuality."
Joan E. Stein-Streilein, Ph.D
Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard Medical School
"Thank you for painting the Pope [ St. John Paul II ] younger in his appearance, because he IS young and strong in his spirit, surrounded by the youth who had followed him, always replying generously to his call for a life of faith and love. How many experiences, how many feelings reflect the expression of the symbolism which is found in this painting? It is impossible to put them all in words..."
Archbishop Luigi Ventura
Apostolic Nuncio to Canada
"It is not every day that a man sees himself captured by the hand of such artistry. Please know that it was my honor to be the subject of one of your works."
General David H. Petraeus
U.S. Army Commander, CIA Director
Our state is very proud to have outstanding artists like yourself among its residents.
Governor Bill Haslam
The State of Tennessee
"I am complimented often on the portrait and its position of prominence in the Courthouse. Of course, it is really a compliment intended for you."
Hon. Joseph P. Sullivan
Justice, Supreme Court of New York
"Thank you again for the wonderful portrait. I was glad to hear that you were able to stop by the office to see the painting on display."
Rudolph W. Giuliani
Mayor of New York City
"Thank you for the wonderful portrait painting!"
Hillary R. Clinton
U.S. First Lady
I was amazed by the likeness and the detail of his work. I am humbled and honored that he used his expertise to create my portrait. He is truly a Master. One of the most famous and gifted artists of our century!
Judge Seth W. Norman
Drug Court “pioneer” in the U.S., Nashville, TN
"Marvelous portraits!"
Dr. Henry Kissinger
“Seeing my portrait, painted by Igor Babailov, is like looking at myself in the mirror.”
Mikhail Kalashnikov
Inventor of AK-47
"The best painter I've come across in my lifetime...The Michelangelo of today!"
Frank Military
Warner Chappell Music, inc.
Legendary music publisher and life-time friend of Frank Sinatra
Dear Igor,
Your beautiful portrait of me has made Maria and me so very happy. It totally captures the romantic feeling of my nature and your amazing talents shine through this and all your portraiture that you do. I especially appreciate your inspiration to bring Chopin into the painting, what better companion could any musician have.
In warm friendship and heartfelt thanks,
Byron Janis
American Pianist
"I have known Mr. Babailov since he successfully completed my portrait in oil.
Great talent, remarkable personality!"
Robert "Bobby" Hull
Hockey Legend
"Babailov's paintings, particularly his portraits, embrace and strengthen our traditional values and love for life."
Senator Michael Pitfield
Dear Igor:
Heartiest congratulations on this magnificent honor! Your great portrait of the Holy Father [Pope Benedict XVI] is an immortal masterpiece! Warmest best wishes,
John Howard Sanden,
American Portrait Artist
"Igor Babailov has done a very superior job, which has been admired by the whole family and many good friends."
Senator and Mrs. Douglas Henry
“To capture a likeness is an incredible feat, but to capture personality is pure magic. He's an example of how art can unify so many varied peoples separated by such vast distances. I commend him!"
Joe Drexler, 9/11 Firefighter (Ret.) F.D.N.Y.
"His work is definitely of museum quality. The full-length portrait of our debutante daughter hangs in our salon, next to famous painters of the 17th Century, such as Lucca Giordano, Mattia Preti, Andrea Vaccaro. How fortunate we are to have among us such a wonderfully skilled artist."
Ambassador and Mrs. Ramiro Ruggiero
Rome, Italy
"Thank you for your labor of love! We know God sent you to us."
The Rogers family
St. Simon's Island, Georgia
"I have told many people that my life has been filled with "Forrest Gump" moments. Having my family portraits painted by Maestro Babailov is another one -- perhaps the biggest one!"
David Gibbs, Nashville, TN
"We will always be grateful for our providential meeting; and for your time and care in getting to know our children, and rendering them in such breathtaking ways."
The Eberstadt family, Washington, DC
"This inspirational work has greatly impressed me and without a doubt
remains outstanding in every way."
V. Roger Lalli, Ph.D.
Scholar, Renowned artist, Buffalo, NY