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Igor V. Babailov, Hon.RAA, KStA
Recent Official Portraits
The Hon. Joseph P. Sullivan
Presiding Justice 2000-2001;
Associate Justice 1978-2000, 2002-2007
The State of New York

Portrait of Justice Joseph P. Sullivan
(44"x 34", oil on canvas), by Igor Babailov.
The longest serving Justice, 30 years, in the State of New York, First Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York

"HANDS in the portrait painting are as important, as the head is. They must 'speak' and be portrayed with the specific meaning, characterizing the person."
~ Igor V. Babailov, Hon.RAA

The portrait was officially unveiled in Manhattan in front of numerous distinguished guests. They included Former Mayor of New York City, Ed Koch, and Chief Justice of the State of New York, Judith Kaye.

From left to right:
Artist Igor Babailov, Justice Joseph P. Sullivan and Mr. R. Reardon

Collection: Historic Courthouse, Supreme
Court of the State of New York, First Appellate Division, New York City.

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